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Humanae Vitae: Still Prophetic After 45 Years

Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 26 No 6 (July 2013), p. 7 The encyclical Humanae Vitae, issued by Pope Paul VI in July 1968, is by far the most contested magisterial document ever. Focussed…

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‘Victims Of Abortion’ Founder Appeals To Catholic Priests.

Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 15 No 3 (April 2002), p. 12 ANNE LASTMAN is the founder of Victims of Abortion, which for almost five years has been providing trauma counselling and information…

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A Reason For Mercy: Healing Post-Abortion Trauma.

Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 15 No 5 (June 2002), p. 20 The healing of post-abortion trauma can come only when we understand that the pain, which follows an abortion, is the pain…

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Our Lady, Fatima And The ‘Annihilation Of Nations’

Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 17 No 9 (October 2004), p. 20 The least spoken of prophecies pertaining to Our Lady of Fatima and the whole Fatima story is the prophecy of the…

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I Will Remember You.

The recent highly publicized abortion of a 32-week baby because of fetal abnormality, have again brought to our attention the reality that abortion is strongly entrenched within our society and I shudder…

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Fatima 2006.

For me the journey towards the World Pro Life Congress 2006, held in Fatima, Portugal, began when I saw the advertisement for this congress in Life Lines (the FLI newsletter). When I…

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Decriminalization… A Great Tragedy.

2008 Much has been in the news recently regarding decriminalization of abortion. This to me has not come as a surprise. What has been a surprise is that it has not happened…

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Abortion Grief: A Unique Type Of Grief.

Grief is the human response to the traumatic loss of someone or something very important to the life and wellbeing of the individual. It is the psyche’s attempt at dealing with a…

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Post Abortion Grief: A Redeeming And Hope Filled Grief

Anne’s talk from the Matercare International Conference Rome 2008 Thank you for this opportunity to speak here. I especially thank Dr Jose Maria Simon and Dr Rob Walley for their invitation for me…

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Letter To The Editor: Herald Sun, 19/08/2008.

Much has been in the news recently regarding decriminalization of abortion. This to me has not come as a surprise. What has been a surprise is that it has not happened sooner.…

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Appearance on “Spirit Of Life”

Jun 8, 2009 This is a video of an interview with Mirella Rich, courtesy of Channel 31’s (Victoria) Spirit of Life. Episode 200.

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Post Abortion Trauma & Grief.

© Anne Lastman, Victims of Abortion, 2011. I appreciate that the abortion issue is contentious, however; this is no excuse for the deceit which is being perpetrated even by those who carry…

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Abortion Grief: Mother Love, Mercy Love And God’s Compassion.

Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 24 No 8 (September 2011), p. 10 Grief is a universal human experience which every culture experiences and has its own methods of dealing with it. But abortion…

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The Pietà: The Love Of Our Heavenly Mother.

Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 25 No 7 (August 2012), p. 20 Sitting on grassland on high hill in San Sebastian overlooking the village of Garabandal, Spain, and in front of the thirteenth…

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Time For Women’s “True Genius” To Reassert Itself.

Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 25 No 8 (September 2012), p. 12 At its conclusion in 1965, the Second Vatican II addressed this message to women: “Acknowledged in its fullness, this is the…

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The New Evangelisation And The Culture Of Life.

Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 25 No 9 (October 2012), p. 11 The term New Evangelisation needs to be understood clearly before it is possible for it to become a reality. There are…

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Father Forgive Them: God’s Infinite Mercy For The Repentant.

Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 25 No 10 (November 2012), p. 20 In a recent counselling session I sat and watched a new client, a young woman, speak about her abortion experience. I…

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Humane Vitae: For An Excellent Love.

Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 26 No 10 (November 2013), p. 12 St Paul’s linking of the one flesh union of the man and the woman is the mirror of Christ as bridegroom…

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Feast Of The Holy Innocents: Rachel Weeps For Her Children.

Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 25 No 11 (December 2012 – January 2013), p. 20 December is the month when we will again celebrate the Feast of the Holy Innocents (28 December), an…

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Icon For The Year Of Grace: ‘sir, We Wish To See Jesus’.

Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 26 No 2 (March 2013), p. 20 In this Year of Grace we are invited by the Australian Bishops to make a pilgrimage into the inner sanctum of…

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Child Sexual Abuse: Looking Beyond The Institutions.

Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 26 No 3 (April 2013), p. 12 There is a sense of shame which hovers over the Catholic Church at this moment. It’s a church limping towards Calvary,…

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Abortion: Confused Pain In A Confused Society.

Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 26 No 4 (May 2013), p. 10 In a moment of reverie, and as nearly always thinking about my work, I began to muse about the pro-abortion protesters…

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A Covenant: Essence of True Marriage.

Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 26 No 8 (September 2013), p. 12 In this decisive moment where marriage and family life are being challenged and threatened, it is important to restate exactly what…

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